WIW: Browns, and that shirt again.

Today the weather is nice (near 60), so a good day to pull out my brown ponte dress.  I threw the gold sweater over, and dug out my suede wedges -- which don't get the love they deserve. They're so comfy! Also showing how it looks when I'm outside of the office and on the go.  I probably don't need the jacket today, but it pulls everything together.  I typically wouldnt buy a skirt this short because they just never stay put, but since it's a dress, it seems to be fine today with little dancing up my leg.

Yesterday, I wore the animal print top with a blazer + slacks. This is an end of day photo, which is far more wrinkled than I was early in the day.  This shirt is truly one of those things you buy that seems to just be so easy to pull into an outfit because it goes with everything.  It just might be my top buy of the fall!

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  • replied 11 years ago

    You look great in all three, but the middle one is my fav!

  • MuseumGal replied 11 years ago

    Love these.  Is that a saddleback leather satchel?  On my permanent lust list!

  • Jjsloane replied 11 years ago

    I love the complete picture in #2. All works together so nicely. I'm a leopard print addict so you got me with 3 as well. I agree - wedges are heavenly to wear!

  • dustt replied 11 years ago

    loving #1!!! - but the bag in 2 is oh so wonderful!!

  • Kristin L replied 11 years ago

    You look great in all of the them, but I think the 2nd is my favorite. I love the bag in it!

  • pil replied 11 years ago

    Wow, Von, these are terrific! Love those boots.

  • Suz replied 11 years ago

    I completely see what you mean about the top in #3. First of all, it looks fantastic on you, and secondly it is in great neutrals that still add interest, and third, the scale of the pattern almost reads as non-pattern (yet it still adds interest). 

    LOVE outfit #1, especially with coat and satchel bag! Schoolgirl super chic! 

  • Von replied 11 years ago

    Thanks all - and yes MusemGal, its a Saddleback!  I drove myself crazy until I finally decided to just do it.  My favorite thing is that it converts to a backpack.  

  • Beth Ann replied 11 years ago

    Love the Saddleback!  You are doing beautifully with these earthy tones and clever layering!

  • Sharon replied 11 years ago

    I love all of these! My favourite is #1 - that yellow is just wonderful on you.

  • LAR101 replied 11 years ago

    Love, love all 3 outfits.  My favs are in order #2, #3 then #1.

    Just a detail:
    I love your hats but I prefer the lighter one in outfits #2 & #1.
    I'm not sure if it's that the color in #1 & #2 is closer to the lightness of your skin and the dark one cuts your head  bit or if by facing forward in #3, the glasses need balance with a slightly wider hat.
    In outfit #3, with the black hat,  I might experiment with a slightly fluffier hat in the same style or putting a pin (some bling) on the hat to draw the eye further upward and break that line across your forehead.  Great outfit without changing anything. It's a minor detail and you might find you prefer the black hat as is.  :)  

    Really love the 3 outfits.  So many nice details that hang together in all 3. Thanks for posting.

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